Hey! Hope u updating it for 1.3! ... btw. Love it! <3
In "Plugin Request" no one ever answers anyway! But thank you!
-_- I am NOT theyeti -_-
I am looking for a plugin which allows me to create a flat map, but it should be under the earth ores.
We are on Web2.0 -_- Joke :D
Yes! Memory :)
I am looking for a plugin which allows me to see how much capacity each plugin uses.
German Config Translation. By Yeti1337 :p #True = An // False = Aus Block Towers: Warning message: '[WARNUNG] Mach keine 1x1 Tuerme!'...
Nice Job :)
Link is broken?
Thx! :)
I am looking for a plugin which allows me to kill a monster and get money for. Sorry 4 my Bad English :/
[IMG] Error Help ME :L Is up2date :/
Link Broken :/
Separate names with a comma.