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Hey, I'm trying to save an Block and later add them in an Chest. But how can i save and place this on the right way? because when i edit the...
its the error message, player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "[BLOCK]" + ChatColor.GOLD + " Because an error the item has been removed.");...
Hey, I'm trying to create a function that when the an item got picked up by a player, the item got removed and placed in a new created chest....
Yes, the listener works. But i already figert it out. now using: player.getInventory().setItem(event.getNewSlot(), null);
Hey, I'm using this line: player.getInventory().remove(event.getNewSlot()); in my PlayerItemHeldEvent event, but this don't remove the item...
Hey, Is there a way to check if the Inventory is empty? (Not the hotbar.) Thanks!
Hey, Is there a plugin that makes a Snapshot of the selected region (WE?) and pasts it every x seconds back? or check if there are any blocks...
Yes ;p, anyways thanks!
This works! Great! Thanks.
The BlockHandler (If you uses another file for this)
You have included it?
With vault you can get the player group? And if you let the owner configure the order of ranks, then its possible.
Hey, I have a problem with my OnPlayerLogin event. When i try to get the IP adres, i got a nullpointer error. I have tryed many things like:...
Yeah, thats a problem. tekkit is 1.1 R4.
Separate names with a comma.