I have no idea, I use eclipse
Yes! Thank you. This has worked!! I was looking for so long. haha
So you need to add the bukkit api and the craftbukkit jar? My code without the command is package assassinhero.bukkit.pingitup; import...
I will give it a shot now I am try to use this in a command and its not working D: EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
Literally what the title says. Can anyone tell me how to get a players ping? I have tried to much but failed so hard
Hey guys, I plan on having multiple world for my server but I need to know which you guys rate the best because I have no idea on this front. If...
I didn't think it would have made a difference xD Bump :( EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Yes they spawn there as this is in the middle of the ocean so they can't wander in The server is on peaceful at the moment to prevent them from...
Thanks :)
Region yml: # # WorldGuard regions file # # WARNING: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. If you modify this file by # hand, be aware that A...
timtower Will this keep both ranks?
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could make a plugin which basically allows a player to have two ranks and all the permissions that come with...
You clearly don't understand. I just don't want mobs to spawn in that area therefore putting mobs to not spawn in the server properties will...
Separate names with a comma.