It worked, but I am crushed that the one method to solve all my problems only sets their eyes to red, as if they are angry. The wolves don't...
After I spawn a few wolves using target.getWorld().spawnEntity(wolfSpawnLoc.add(0, 1, 0), EntityType.WOLF); in a for-loop, I want them to attack...
You should be adding the cow value inside your for loop that spawns the cows. Also I'm just about at my limit of knowledge on this subject so take...
I did find that function last night, but when I implemented it int safeY = target.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt((int) (targetLoc.getX()), (int)...
Using this code, I can spawn a few wolves around a target player if (Integer.valueOf(args[1]) <= configValInt("max-wolves")) {...
I'm still learning, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I believe you have to add the spawned mobs to a HashMap and use an EntityDeath event to...
zakarls Hey if Desle isn't working on this project I'd gladly take a shot at it.
Hours upon hours will be spent on this channel. Thank you so much! EDIT: Almost forgot, despite this resource any other help would be appreciated.
I have looked through the Bukkit wiki sections for developers, and have watched a few videos to try and sort out what the hell is going on within...
One (costly) solution I have is to delete their .dat file. That is the only thing I have found out so far, but if I find another way I will tell you.
Title says it all, didn't find anything of use with the search function.
Looks great, bookmarked.
Nevermind! I got it
Hi, I am attempting to install SpaceBukkit on my Mac (OS X Lion). Whenever I try to execute this command to execute
Separate names with a comma.