I'd love this too, a great way to discourage people from just warping all over the place
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fix-mech-propertime-v1-9-0-control-the-speed-of-time-multiworld-1185.30662/ is still working on my 1.0 server,...
I know this is out there, but I'm using openindiana151 (a more modern opensolaris fork), and I could easily tell java to use 64bit with a -d64...
Hey was hoping someone could help me achieve the setup I'm going for... I've been using this plugin for months now, but I've recently added a...
Thanks! Just changed over my old config file. ps: posted on last page, but would appreciate anyone who posts 1.07 jar :) got it, thanks sintri
Crap, updated to 1.08 on cb740/mysql setup, getting spammed with [SEVERE] Could not pass even "*lots of types*" to mcMMO only have 1.06 jar...
I still can't get limits/prices to work, I have tried letting the config auto-detect and manually telling it iconomy, and here are my permissions:...
Awesome plugin, players have been digging it, I realize this isn't your responsibility, so it's more a question to other admins out there: I use...
Thanks for the quick reply! Here's my config: #Wed May 11 18:20:54 CDT 2011 show-free-price-message=false cancel-warm-up-on-movement=false...
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-xwarp-v2-10-1-mywarp-fork-w-prices-economy-visibility-733-740.857/page-10#post-216299 Please add this info to...
My config settings aren't being saved with 1.3.0 & cb740, specifically custom messages/save intervals... I'm able to change the warn time from...
After upgrading to .06, I'm getting "[INFO] Loop iteration" spammed in the console, particularly when farming items, mcMMO is the only thing I...
Just found this, had been talking about riding spiders just a few days ago, installed and only then realized it's for 674... damn what a let down.
Hey! Great plugin, me and my users have been having a lot of fun with it, but I'm still not sure how it works... Auto-generated caches are only...
Dammit, this looks like exactly what I needed before I built a giant apartment complex for my players... Is there anything like this that can be...
Separate names with a comma.