Zarius Sorry about the EDIT, didn't want to double post :) ANY_CREATURE: - drop: MONSTER_EGG@THIS chance: 100% This is...
As I said, I used ANY_CREATURE first and after console sent that warning, I tried EVERY_CREATURE and it still did it... Now I tried setting chance...
ANY_CREATURE: - drop: SPAWN_EGG@THIS chance: 0.5% Simply to get all creatures to have a small chance of dropping a spawn egg...
That would be cool, I can understand the need to keep the plugin simple for certain audiences and the like, so no biggie. Now, a possible bug I...
PLAYER: - drop: ZOMBIE@eq:THIS Yeah, that sounds good, possibly allow other mobs too, not just zombies? *crosses fingers and hopes for this...
I'd like to force it so a zombie spawns wearing the killed player's equipment (ex: PlayerA is wearing a full suit of Iron Armour and holding a...
+1 Also another request: Possibility to add custom grow times? With multi world support? So it can be set that, for example, Crops grow 20%...
Hi Zarius, There seems to be a problem with SHEEP@THIS, White sheep keep dropping Black wool... tested a few other colours and they seem to work...
In config.yml: allow-admin-bypass: <true/false> (admins/OPs can/cannot open locked doors) allow-admin-snoop: <true/false> (admins/OPs can/cannot...
Never mind that, updated to JRE7 and now it works a charm. I for some reason thought I had a while ago, but obviously I hadn't. Thanks for the...
Just tried running this plugin and got this: [spoiler]
Hold Shift as you click on an item, and it instantly transfers the entire stack from the quick bar to your backpack or vice versa. :)
Any chance of making this work with Lava as it does with Water?
@sparkboy77 Should just all go into the Plugins folder and setup config.yml how you like. @K_Wall_24 Works fine on my private 1337 server. Not...
I can't say for sure, but try setting drop as "NODROP" otherblocks: PLAYER: - tool: ALL drop: NODROP worlds: world got this from here.
Separate names with a comma.