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Member, Male, from Sweden

Du behöver inget Permissions-plugin :) Mar 7, 2011

vildaberper was last seen:
Sep 2, 2021
    1. mine-care
      Hello, are you gynamo from mc-war?
      1. vildaberper
        Jun 1, 2014
    2. CraftPimp1
      Hey man I just dl your nojlmessages plugin! Thanks so much man! I use bungee and have several servers and needed it! YOU ROCK!! Ja das ist serh gut! yay!
    3. nickesniffe135
      Vildaberper riktigt häftig plugin du har skapat! :D

      //nicke från
      1. vildaberper
        Man tackar :D
        Dec 27, 2011
    4. destradious
      Servers back up! THanks! :D Back to work for me! XD
    5. Penguin388
      What happened D:
      1. Penguin388
        *regarding the server being down + I saw you opened the SMP server for like a split second, and I tried to join and it didn't work.
        Dec 14, 2011
      2. vildaberper
        I dont know why the server is down but I cant do anything about it (Im on the other side of the globe). xD
        The smp will be up soon. :)
        Dec 15, 2011
    6. destradious
      Hey Vilda, my name is destradious. I am one of the Helper ranks on your server. I was wondering if you could send me some details about the server, such as rules, guidelines, ranks requirements and that sort of stuff. I want to know how everything works around the server. (I'm slowly making my way up to Moderator. :P ) Thanks!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. destradious
        Some mods are too busy fooling around making sick jokes and what not. I actually logged in to see if anyone was paying attention. As my back up account, I acted clueless, saying, "where do I build?" and "this server is lame!"
        Dec 2, 2011
      3. destradious
        absolutely no reply. Too busy abbusing their powers. I came on as dest and said, did anyone notice the user desmarin?? And they just said, who? I'm sorry if I'm rambling but it really frustrated me that they werent even remotely doing their jobs.

        P.S. Its nice to know you are on bucket frequently. :)
        Dec 2, 2011
      4. vildaberper
        Tell me the names of them and Ill talk to them.

        I am, plugin development is nice. :D
        Dec 2, 2011
    7. Penguin388
      vilda :D it's penguin388... do you still run the SMP server? i've been trying to figure out whats been up and i'm trying to get back into smp
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Penguin388
        Ahh well whenever you start up the server send me a message here or twitter zPenguin388
        Nov 2, 2011
      3. vildaberper
        Allright, if I remember. xD
        The ip is if I forget to tell you.
        Nov 2, 2011
      4. destradious
        We see skide fairly often on TFBS. I have never seen sh4de yet but I know his rank. XD
        Dec 1, 2011
    8. ParadoXz
      hey with your command permissions plugin i keep getting the error on my screen "bukkit sad bukkit want you to accsess command, but bukkit cannot let you bukkit will leak tears :(" can you help?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ParadoXz
        WOW thanks dude :D
        Oct 1, 2011
      3. vildaberper
        I make a lot of this small plugin for my server, so it took like 2 minutes. xD
        No problem :)
        Oct 1, 2011
      4. ParadoXz
        one more thing can i make is so that i have to type the exact command in e.g. for iconomy i want people to be able to use /money but not /money set how can i config this?
        Oct 2, 2011
    9. tyridge77
      Hey, can you do whatever it takes to try and fix the bug where you see other players below the seat :( It really ruins the plugin and the rp,ect
      1. vildaberper
        Its been like that since 1.6. "/
        Cant do much about it since its a bug in Minecraft itself.
        Sep 28, 2011
    10. decebaldecebal
    11. L1TTl3
      Hey is it possible to turn off the sync&save inventory function? I'm using AuthDB for the players to login (it saves inventory too in database) but with defaultcommands turned on the inventory isn't saved at all. I already tried to set sync_inventory to 0 or -1 but that made no change except of exploding memory usage
      1. vildaberper
        Set it to a really high value, its the time in seconds between syncs and saves.
        Sep 7, 2011
      2. L1TTl3
        no change... I have set it to 2 hours but authdb doesn't save the inventory at all only if you log out manually or without defaultcommands
        Sep 8, 2011
    12. avatar999
      When I start te server with Defaultcommands all the things are normal ,but when I look to the memory then I see that it is increasing and its not stopping afterwards, I get an error (outofmemory heap space). Can you do something about this.
      1. avatar999
        I know what caused the problem it occurs when you have multiverse, it causes the memory to rise until it reaches 1024 mb, which results in a server crash.
        Can't you make it so that commands is togglable instead?
        Aug 31, 2011
      2. vildaberper
        Instead of what? They are togglable. :)
        Aug 31, 2011
    13. Forge_User_67106366
      Hey!I got a question:If minecraft has update 1.7.3 than why is that bug still up?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Forge_User_67106366
        introduced in 1.6, gets fixed.
        here is it u idiot why are u fucking nerd with me?
        Aug 23, 2011
      3. vildaberper
        Would you mind reading the whole sentence?
        Its generally a good thing to do, just a tip.
        Best be trollin'
        Aug 23, 2011
      4. Forge_User_67106366
        Aug 26, 2011
    14. penisjunge
      kannst du dazu einen command machen nicht dass man auf allen sitz
      und noch einstellen das die andere dich auf dem stuhl sehen anstatt im boden.
      Can you make a command for the plugin, because it sucks if somebody sit on the street they shouldnt sit on every slabs and so on and the players see me in the ground but only i can see me on the chair.
    15. kassad
      Helle i have see youre youtube viedo i want a mod from you please look on youtube
      I have a Public Minecraft Commuity MC-World
      1. vildaberper
        Jul 29, 2011
    16. dogzrule
      Hi It has come to my attention that DefaultCommands blocks BukkitContrib's Authentication Server any help would be apreciated
    17. Rakiga
      For DefaultCommands, is there anyway to make it so in the /help menu it doesn't display the dc? Like /dcreply. Just don't want to confuse people so they know they can just put /reply.
    18. noahbkk
      i got a problem, people can open anything i lock...
      Help Please.
      CB: 953
      PS. do i need permissions?
    19. gajolmand
      Can i get a list of items somehow? Cus alot of the items i try to get with the give command are invalid, so a list with items would be nice, tried to open the file in the plugin folder called items but its just some color?(lulwut?)
      1. vildaberper
        I just linked you one in the DC thread. xD
        Items.yml is aliases for items, easier to remember. :)
        Jun 16, 2011
    20. Dendee
      i need urhelp vilda
    21. Dendee
      Vilda I need help with your permissions get back to me remember me? ya cert took out old aggressiveness again
    22. tangtonytang
      Craftbukkit 766
      permissions v2.7.2
      Problem: all people can not build(inclusive admins)
      if i delet the defaultcommand.jar it works just fine
      all configs are default
      "Error":You don't have permissions to do that
      1. View previous comments...
      2. tangtonytang
        thanks very much.
        my last question: how can admins see in the chat(like before) what every player did? like give them selves some items or teleported to somebody els?
        May 11, 2011
      3. vildaberper
        They cant, yet.
        Im working on it. :D
        May 11, 2011
      4. tangtonytang
        Oh. That's really fine.
        Thanks again for developing such a great plugin and these answers
        May 12, 2011
    23. vildaberper
      Du behöver inget Permissions-plugin :)
    24. linkon18
      Tjena! Jag är också från sverige!
      Jag har lite problem med din plugin, defaultcommand
      Det är så att jag har laddat ner den till min Craftbukkit-SNAPSHOT och så men jag har ingen aning om hur man gör med permissions! Så alla måste vara OP för att göra några commandon!
      har du några tips eller nå om hur jag gör? eller är plugin'en för gammal?
      Schysst om du kunde svara!
      1. vildaberper
        Vill du att alla spelare ska kunna göra alla commands?
        För att kunna göra OP-commands måste man vara OP om inget Permission-plugin hittas, men man kan göra andra commands, ex: /online .
        Mar 5, 2011
      2. linkon18
        Nja.. Jag vill att bara OP kan typ /kick /ban /setspawn och så.. men jag vill att ALLA ska kunna göra /home /spawn /sethome
        Och jag vet inte hur man gör det! För det första måste jag ha filen: General
        Som jag inte får när jag Extractar General filen men får en annan General sak.. som man också ska få. Som jag vet så.. får jag inte General Filen så kan jag inte göra något inne på Permissions :(
        Mar 7, 2011
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