Hey, this should be updated and is being maintained on dev.bukkit.org... http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/normalized-drops/ if you're having any...
I use Notepad++ and turn the "View -> Show Symbol -> Show show white space and tab" option on which makes little dots for spaces and arrows for tabs
Try this version, I think whatever editor you were using was doing some weird stuff. There were some extra newline characters and one of the lines...
Try removing the extra spaces between the lines (if they infact exist), and you can leave out the "click_left: " thing entirely if you don't have...
I'm slowly working on rewriting the whole plugin, hopefully the new version will be a little more intuitive to use and include more workness to it :)
There is no permissions support (yet) ... when it's added it'll be SuperPerms (bukkit permissions). Only add people to the config file that you...
Separate names with a comma.