Can someone please update Wormhole X-treme properly? The one done by No-Heroes is extremely buggy. Doesn't have Superperms support (Added...
I'm using this and it works perfectly, thank you very much DarkKnightCZ.
I'm having the same problem. PhonicUK it's kinda important :)
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/voxelport2/ I'd really appreciate it if you could update this. Thanks.
Okay, thanks anyway.
PhonicUK, could you please make it so instead of having "Manage Users & Groups" you can have "Manage Users" and "Manage Groups". I want my...
Posted half way through November In response to above quote Posted on December 8 Any updates? :)
Would it be possible for you to increase compatibility with CraftIRC alpha 3? For some reason this chat comes through to IRC whereas things such...
Thank you Bukkit devs, me and my server appreciate your hard work.
Something I'd really appreciate is if you could somehow firstly check if they have the permission to chat, if they do that's all well and good and...
Doesn't appear to be working in 928 for me.. Help? :(
This plugin doesn't receive enough love for what it deserves. It's amazing, my server is heavily dependent on it and I'd just like to thank...
Uhh.. How do I enable the magnet flag? It's enabled in it's config yet it doesn't appear in the list of flags.
Separate names with a comma.