I have this same issue, PEX is definitely installed and working properly. Here's a reload log. 21:52:55 [INFO] LWC: At version: 4.0.0-alpha7...
I've found another simple way to solve this if anyone needs to, just copy your level.dat to the world_nether folder. :)
Hey, I wasn't sure if you had managed to get a stack trace for the block break event bug yet, but just saw one in my console and thought I'd paste...
Ok another question. Is there any way you could add a log to say what user has connected? I mean you should already have them tacked as a user so...
Hey Dr, I've got a somewhat complex set of startup options for java GC and the toolkit doesn't seem to like them. Any suggestions?...
No way, bukkit plugin developers have lives too?
Alron, would you be terribly upset if I were to update your iconomy support? Having free gates just about removes any way for us to decrease...
Don't think its a big deal as the plugin works, but you've got the: Could not pass even ENTITY_TARGET to bMobs null pointer exception again.
Thanks man.
Finally a new RB, 733 working?
Hey LR, any updates for RB 733? I'll test this on my server when I get the chance and report back.
Sounds like the server isnt shutting down properly. All saving is done during the shutdown process so check your logs at shutdown and startup to...
Edit: Disregard that, I was using an old jar. After testing for a bit I've found I can't use glass though because you require the DHD to be the...
There's a catch for this, if you have an extended piston and either end is destroyed the plugin auto-destroys the existing iron block. There is no...
Cool deal, I think you can probably handle it using the onPlayerJoin and onPlayerRespawn and just teleport them to the set spawn, if its not...
Separate names with a comma.