Does this plugin do any sort of chest contents logging, or just block based logging? Either way it looks very good, really I just want to get...
I am running the newest CB rec build and the latest dev build of xcraftgate and I found a bug. I am trying to import my skylands map and when I do...
Are you running 32-bit java with a 64-bit OS? A ton of my users were having crash issues that were fixed by running the correct version of java.
Minecart mania has this functionality.
You should read up on the superperms managers which are currently permissionsEX, bPermissions, and permissions bukkit. GM doesnt support the new...
I've got the same issue with the 1.8 builds and its a real pain right now. I'm holding out hope that 1.9 eases things a bit.
Does anyone else notice that as of build #1188 Food no longer has a buffer zone, meaning that right after you eat your food level starts going...
Not to mention bukkit contrib is an inactive, way out of date plugin. Spout is new version of bukkit contrib.
So you are running the spout dev build #372? Because the error you are getting looks a lot like one you would get if you were running the...
What is your spout version?
I am pretty damn impressed with the bukkit team, they just release a recommended build 12 hours ago and are already at work on a compatible dev...
Actually if you had bothered with dev builds and testing, you would know that most plugins do not break with the 1.8 compatible bukkit builds.
Just to address this, if you have the latest logblock version then logblock will work, you just have to disable chest logging due to spout not...
Either PermissionsEX, bPermissions, or permissionsbukkit. I personally use bPermissions because I find it the easiest, but all of them are...
interesting, and you know groupmanager is way out of date now dont you? it doesnt even support bukkit permissions.
Separate names with a comma.