cheers :)
thank you i will add this.
does this work? coz just installed n still taking damage..
anychance this for 1.3.2?
wow this is cool, i can shoot an arrow n BOOM! ross ya dead .. hehe this is real cool war games. :) i am new to using bukkit so can i just drag...
can this for for mc 1.3.2 i need this to build in air.
erm unsure what exactly Does Spout do?? im looking for the perfect plugin for my bukkit server to allow my own! MP3s audio tracks ei: program my...
so.. with this i can have Continues Audio mp3 playing on my mc server.. :-D non-stop TRANCE! hellyeah! will it work for 1.8.1? if anyone can...
Does the time work? been looking for a plugin to make my world stay DAYTIME! always.. if this works? i'll install.
erm how do i get the tools? can i make the dooplicator? paintbrush? wrenchtool? What are the item ID numbers for these tools so i can spawn or...
Well WHERE are the friggn Permissions @... wna copy em into ma folder Sorted! works a treat! :D Superb Plugin thanks alot. yay got for walks n...
do i have to add Permissions for this to work.. sorry very noob@this kind of thing, as this plugin is enabled on my server but when i type /road i...
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