Did that. Neither admins or regular players set it off. :/
locationHistory: 30 logToFile: true showInGameAlert: false commands: '*' logToConsole: true mode: blacklist That's my current config file.
I tried to use this plugin, it doesn't seem to work at all. At first it was tossing errors, now it's not doing anything. It says it loads but it...
I tried to make this work, it doesn't seem to do anything. At first it was tossing errors, now it's not doing anything. It says it loads but it...
I have a couple uses already in mind for a plugin like this. I know that most major plugins have log files to log all their activity, but what...
I really want to see a log addition as well, in case a situation would arise where I need that kinda thing.
Separate names with a comma.