i have problem wit RPGitems plugin when i hit player and enchants gona http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rpg-items/
is possible disable detected fastplacing because ppls kick w/o reasion when they fast place blocks
xDeeKay ok tnx gona try
i want give players acces for all enchent command must give like this ? - essentials.enchant - essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] or 1by1...
Bobcat00 lol for locked topic
timtower thank you gona try
timtower this is not enought :( ppls will be still allowed grifing with another blocks like obsidian/dirt....
PolarCraft idk :S yea i make another region inside frst region for thats breaking ore but problem is /region flag <name> build allow ppls will be...
timtower is possible BlackList only for 1area not whole world?
PolarCraft yea but ppls will not be allowed break blocks i want make someting like this http://i41.tinypic.com/rizodu.jpg
PolarCraft idk what you mean i dont need for whole world if you thats mean or you mean at Config WorldGuard?
PolarCraft /region flag DAVC build allow then will be possible build so ppls can grifing with lava /water another blocks.. i want build deny /...
Jade i make //expand vert /region define DAVC /region flag DAVC pvp deny /region flag DAVC potion-splash deny /region flag DAVC build deny now...
Jade which 1 ? /region flag [region name] construct allow thats dont work
Separate names with a comma.