You need to correct the layout. The final 3 ranks are missing an indent.
Sopo201 Are you using a public IP? Have you disabled firewalls?
megasaad44 Please post your server properties.
Polishgaming I hope this link helps [media]
xYourFreindx Have you set up a static IP? In, is the line 'server-ip=' empty? If not, delete IP.
THEBIGSEB Are you getting any error messages?
Mshriver2 Can you post your errors.
megasaad44 Hamachi isn't too reliable. Try creating a new group, and invite them all back.
Polishgaming You can do this in vanilla, but it wont appear next to their name in chat, but instead appear on the side of the screen, or in the...
pananic Do you mean something like this : ?
Darkmoon22 2. Try You can get statistics for mining ores. If you feel that they have too many...
ZacckBlazes PermissionsEx crashes when you reload the server quite a lot anyway. It is better to stop the server then restart it.
xXCreeperGuyXx Does the prefix appear, or does everything not work?
xXCreeperGuyXx Are there any error messages in the console? If so, paste your log.
marceltjeg If you want to change the message when a server closes, you can edit the bukkit.yml, or you can do "/stop 'Message'".
Separate names with a comma.