Hi whenever i make my self a rank or someone they cant talk help please ?
and for some resoan when i do it and everthing is fine i cant say anything in there server when i type it says nothing
Ok i got it working and now when i make my self a rank it says i am but when i type in something it dosent say i am that rank whitch is Builder I...
I got it and when i make my self a rank it says i am but when i type it dosent say the rank i am in
it is all fine
Why does this not work and when ever i start up the server it says chatmanager disable and modifyworld disable check .yml
ok. i made a new video check it out tell me wht im doing wrong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQNZDLic3iQ
CAn u please help me here watch video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93DyskvTpI0&feature=channel_video_title
Cant DowloaD!!!!!!!!!!
Please help when ever i start up my bukkit server with the .bat with my main world it goes crazy and says all these random stuff and i cant go in....
When i start up my bukkit server with the .bat it pops up and just goes crazy saying these words and wont let me sign in to my server please help
Ok thx
Umm im a noob. But what does this mod do?
i did that and i still have the same problem
Sorry man i was rushing cause i had to go somewhere sorry. Here is the problem When i do /regions set it dosent do anything then i try /regions...
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