I have griefprevention, wasnt aware that was apart of it, I will check now I see GriefPrevention blocks commands, but what if someone is already...
Ive run my server for 2 years nearly never had PvP really, only on special occasions but thinking about turning it on, but the main problem is...
hMod was the platform I used before bukkit, when I knew nothing about running a MC server and found it hard to even chang the MOTD, Then big old...
awww :(
I remember there used to be a spreadsheet of progress of updating Bukkit, showed what needed to be done, how much was done, and how much was left...
I see theres is tons of anti-swear plugins list and was wondering if someone could suggest one that they use and feel works great.
Ive been using WorldBorder plugin and in that plugin you Could use a command that would remove chunks to fit the Border size, but that plugin...
anyway to solve the problem?
Ive noticed alot of people on my server complaining about 1 thing, When they run and jump at same time they sometimes get "haulted" and a glitchey...
I am getting this in my Console, I have #2307 bukkit and Ive installed PEX and only pex and im getting spammed with players online, hes a paste of...
If Bukkit doesnt update soon i will get naked and wave my penis in a homeless guys face! dont make me do this! PURPLE MONKEY DISHWASHERRRRRRRRR
I would like to turn my whitelist on to change the way I allow people on it, and need to get all the current members added to the whitelist (like...
but its not inside any region?
I am getting this error and I cannot figure out which plugin it is coming from, any ideas? Im using...
Im using the latest Bukkit Dev build for 1.2.2 and I wiped my ENTIRE server and started with a fresh minecraft_server.jar and Added the latest...
Separate names with a comma.