Hi there, I'm working on a plugin that uses PacketPlayOutBlockChange to change a player's surrounding blocks to rainbow wool colors and am not...
A bit late, but https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/util-string-scroller-with-colours.184896/
Remove the old line first.
But then you wouldn't learn anything, would you.
1. Loop through the players (or entities) 2. Find which one is closest, and if it is less than 180 blocks away. 3. Set the compass target to the...
Wouldn't you want to cache them?
You could check when a player interacts with the ender chest, and open a custom inventory.
And what is line 80 of EventManager?
What is line 38 of your "Core" class? Edit: nevermind.
Check your plugin.yml. Specifically the "main" line.
try { Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { player.sendMessage("That is not a number."); return true; } Integer...
You can just say: players.set("players." + giveto.getName(), existingpoints+giveto); You should also check if args[1] is a number.
Wow, I didn't know that was possible with Maven!
Separate names with a comma.