I can't tell whose side you're on, but back in the day I used to be one of the guys telling people to mark their threads as solved or whatever. So...
Will do. Tone down the attitude.
It has been claimed, sorry.
Bump tbh
I made PvPTag a few years ago. I have since fallen out of the minecraft scene. Someone posted today that they'd like it to be updated, and I'd...
So I shouldn't ask a question I want to know the answer to?
I know what freedom of speech is. I can't be arrested for saying it, and bukkit is allowing me to say it, therefore I can say it.
Skionz I have the right to free speech. Bukkit is a private entity and can control what I say or do on their property. I have the right to ask...
I have a right to say what I want. That includes questioning others.
Uh I do, it's actually in the Bill of Rights
Separate names with a comma.