I'm also interested in this! If making them spawn at an increased rate is too difficult would it be possible to set the light level they spawn at?
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-citizens-v1-06-npcs-for-bukkit-traders-guards-quests-coming-soon-493.7173/ fullwall is planning guards....
Thats whats on my server at the moment Though I would mutch rather have interative npcs. At the moment the npc is more of a prop to make the shop...
I created "nether" a world already created using multiverse Then created a portal with at a block space around it. Trying to enter the portal...
Love it so far! A few ideas... Sleeping in a bed gets you a "well rested status" for a little while. Giving a xp bonus! Sleeping in a bed heals...
I can see what you mean. I gather the confirmation would have to be via command? or could it be set to a waypoint? Ie shop exit.
I agree completely Unfortunately. The ones that are doing it don't read the thread there in. So the chances of them reading this is even less likely.
Would it be possible for money to be automatically deducted and added as you carried out a transaction? So if you moved 64 cobble into your...
Just thinking is it possible to make the displayed name above the npc separate from the account name the skin is taken from? That way we don't...
Yep, they are seperated with ; In version 1 the ';' were included in the dialog when the npc spoke all there lines at once (Hello my name is...
If you add text to an npcs dialog in game the random speech works fine. If you try and do it via the plugin text file they say all there lines at...
Sweet Jesus your quick.
I don't see why not. Providing the machine in question has at least 512mb of ram for the server to use. There are a lot of factors to contribute...
Excellent plugin! I have a rather odd bug (or perhapse just my own incompetence) The first npc I made and gave dialog spoke the default lines in...
Hmmmm, Again if your server can handle 20 people exploring and building then it doesnt matter what world they are in. The only difficulties would...
Separate names with a comma.