Is there any way that this plugin could have bungeecord support (teleports you between servers)? Im looking to get bungee and if you could do that...
"Error in Command Syntax" means you are typing the command in wrong. do /pex help to get the proper format for commands.
make sure the permissions.yml has the correct spacing, otherwise, PEX goes crazy and wont load the file. Also, if you are sure you have the...
1) Whitelist the server so only you and trusted admins can get on, then slowly allow more players on to single out the hacker (not necessary) 2)...
try using disguisecraft instead (I use it)
are the players seen online in the tab list or /list?
You need to define the spleef floor first
As far as I know, (using permissionsEx for many months now) you would have to do it manually by doing /pex user {playername} prefix...
Just tested it. Working just fine with minecraft 1.5!
Thanks! And please continue making this AMAZING plugin
While updating my server to 1.4.6, I realised that it changes the direction you face when teleporting, thus removing the blocks surrounding the gate
the new dev build makes my server crash! 02.08 12:30:08 [Server] INFO This server is running CraftBukkit version...
I DESPERATELY need help with this pex problem, i just switched from group manager because it was acting up thank you...
Separate names with a comma.