Great plugin but I was just wondering if there an option for Group Channels that can only be accessed by someone in the permission group for that...
Yeah, It does make it more laggy for people with slower computers. But server wise Im fine, 16gb allocated to the server and 4 gigs burst so No...
I have a question this time around. Will having lets say, 100 of the entities "ItemStay'ed" will I experience any memory leaks as a result. I...
Screenshots probably
Which permissions plugin are you using
I would be interested in downloading this but I cant :(
Im a little confused as to what this actually does. I see Adds 16 tile pieces but other than that I dont know what it is nor what it does. A...
Spout build 1030 will work with craft bukkit r0.2 just be sure ForceCraftBukkitBuildCheck: false is in the spout config file or else it wont work
And I was involved in the creation of both of them? Your point? This is not the place to discuss this, however ... getting bored doesnt entitle...
Still after my plugin list I see arent ya.
I cant seem to get any of the custom stuff to work even while following the instructions to the letter. Launching the server, no errors occur but...
Works fine for me
This should be considered Dead/ Inactive the developer hasnt even logged into his account for more than twenty days. I will have my Dev. Team...
Would you be willing to participate in a joint effort with the creator of the apothecaries mod and myself and my team for a bukkit port of it
Yes this is something I've been looking for too, I run a few big RP servers and it annoying when people Refuse to read the signs that say where to...
Separate names with a comma.