Obvious misconception is obvious. No they don't. Spout can run along side vanilla.
Machina - Proper controller blocks: Version: v1.0.2 PLEASE USE OUR BUKKIT DEV PAGE HERE! What is Machina? Machina is a plugin that...
Requires Spoutcraft SpoutPlugin
1.4.4 has the ability to do that already. Also I know of the 1 item short thing. Bukkit doesnt throw pickupevents unless it actually picks the...
No, never. When the Mod API is released get back to me on that. It needs spout. Server needs SpoutPlugin and user needs SpoutCraft....
For bukkit? Yes, when hell freezes over. Thats about the time bukkit will natively support custom items and key strokes.
Drop on death can lag on death if you have all 4 slots enabled all with diamond upgrades. Dropping that many items from anything, be it natural...
Its in the recipe list and the permissions are listed in the thread.
With such an in-depth explanation why would I ever not be able to help you! Why not start with a pastebin of your ENTIRE console log and another...
Will see if that is possible. Expect it soon.
use spout. If your using spout then dont alter the texture url's unless you kow what your doing.
Separate names with a comma.