I'm in the process of creating this, I'll link you the plugin when I'm finished.
EnchantedMiners if(inv.containsAtLeast(newiamount) { Instead of if(it.getAmount() >= newiamount){
EnchantedMiners Edit: What fireblast said =P.
EnchantedMiners If you want to get the item in the players hand, Use this instead: ItemStack it = p.getItemInHand();
EnchantedMiners Sorry, Didn't see this before. it.getAmount() will always return 1, Because you create the ItemStack just before it.
minepress You never call the method "setupDisguiseCraft()". Call it in onEnable.
EnchantedMiners It could be that getting the newoldiamount is bugged. Confirm this by putting this underneath line 11....
minepress Actually, Can you show us the Minevolve class?
EnchantedMiners Then this returned false.. it.getAmount() >= newiamount
minepress My guess is this parameter inside the constructor on line 28 returned null.. Minevolve.dcAPI.newEntityID()
EnchantedMiners Are you sure you have registered your listener?
KrazyFlow You must register your listeners for them to actually work. If you haven't already put it there, This should be in your onEnable method,...
That's a nice cooldown, Not sure if it works per player though, since the times are fields. I'll test it later.
mazentheamazin That method isn't involved in the issue is it? I'll change it to that anyway. EDIT: Look at my DEBUG notes, Those are the ones...
Okay. So here's what's happening. I have an Object, called Channel. In ChannelManager, I create a new Channel, With the name "Global". I check...
Separate names with a comma.