Tarestudio Thank you... that is exactly what I needed. I should have seen it. It is a can't see the forest for the trees kind of thing. here is...
@Tarestudio Thanks for the reply, I am already in the InventoryMoveItemEvent. public void inventoryMoveHandler(InventoryMoveItemEvent event)...
I am directly trying to find all chests that are around a hopper (on the same y level) except if the hopper is pushing its contents into the...
@jmcneely I will try to find some time to look at the SuperpermBridge v1.2 issue. Sorry I have not had any time lately. @Araco - To be honest,...
awesome... let me know if there is anything else you need done with it.
@elysianhero I have updated the HelpCenter to 1.8.1 so it will work with permissionsBukkit-1.1 I have tested on CB 1000 and permissionsBukkit 1.1...
just a quick note, I have not had any time for quite a while to look at this. I will try to find some time, but it is far and few between. Have...
For your Tech-Admin group, remove the inheritance. since it has the '*' it should not inherit. Your user group also inherits from Default. Thus...
Unfortunately, that is a known issue, but i have not looked too closely at the color wrapping to see exactly what is wrong with it. I have had...
if you are on a Linux system, it is much more picky about filenames. Try plugins/HelpCenter/hcdefault.txt or plugins/HelpCenter/hcdefault both...
@anstopa @erdrickk I believe I have found the cause of the error you have been receiving. I was able to reproduce it and eliminate the error on...
The error is related to permissions and how i access it. Do you have Permissions installed? If so, what version is it?
could you please note the version of HelpCenter (not just latest) and the version of Permissions that you are using. I will need those to figure...
I found the (*&^* bug. It was where a line was already 60 characters long with no spaces in it and I tried to line wrap it. It threw itself into...
@jmcneely I am looking at your file and am able to reproduce it... I have no idea yet why it is doing it. I am trying to find out why.
Separate names with a comma.