no problem, but you should learn some simple java formatting/syntax before you come to a forum like this, it would help you to solve problems such...
no these things: "{}" (braces/curly brackets) and not around it. Just around the whole else statement. basically like else { //Code which only...
braces (curly barckets) sorry i often mistake these two, because in german they are called the same... and they would work ;)
simply make the else things in braces
when you don't make brackets, the if/else statements only go one row, also your first if makes clearly no sense cause there is nothing in there.
A String is an Object, an like every other Object in java it is only stored one time, and then referenced
you can simply use items_raw.split(",|#\-") or something like that (See Regular Expressions)
Operations like that are handled by the server thousands of times every tick so it wouldn't be very inefficient. The only more efficiant way would...
Saving a List of all Torches may be very expensive, a better way would be to save their coords in relation to their chunk or tile and only when...
for (Player p : arrayList) p.sendMessage("Hello Guy from ArrayList");
i am a very lazy server administrator, so i prefer the following way...: public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label,...
we have to see the full code and the database to help you right. The error occurs, because the pointer is at the wrong position (before the first...
The event you are looking for ist the PlayerDamageByEntityEvent
that is way more complicated... because you have to shoot the arrow with the player pitch&yaw, it should be possible though.
use the static method ChatColor.transpalteAlternateColorCodes(char,string) the char is in your case '&' and the string is the message
Separate names with a comma.