Could you post your code and plugins?
You get this error on build 35!?!?!?! That can't be correct, I fixed it in this commit. Can you double check with build #25.
1.1.1 is the latest.
Update to the latest version.
My god, i passed in a null reference to Collections.transform! Update NPCLib to build #33.
NPCLib is updated to 1.8.3! (still supports 1.8.0, and 1.7) Recompile your plugin if you are using maven or download the latest build from the ci...
I Fixed jenkins issue. The problem with the invisible npcs should have been fixed in a recent build, but maven ran out of memory and couldn't put...
First of all, this thread isn't about citizens, it is about NPCLib. Secondly what I suggested are methods in the Player class in the bukkit api....
NPCLib can be installed as an external plugin, or you could maven shade it into your plugin. Citizens isn't required, but if it is installed...
Fork the repository and edit the NPC interface. I will add the implementation.
I am unable to that.
It should. @CactusComboPvP Example Pom
NPCs can't currently perform commands. I think i found your issue with the invisible NPCs. It involves the ordering of packets on 1.8.
@pablo67340 I've got a class that allows you to create blocks visible only to certain players. This intercepts outgoing packets using protocol...
War doesn't find the edges of the world guard region. It uses setMaterial instead of sendBlockChange so it is visible to everyone.
Separate names with a comma.