I sense that, with the new confusion potion packet in 1.8, the amount of weed plugin requests will rise.
Starting LoginMessage interval events. Next is the death message event. I'm saving the harder stuff, like the new online list, for later. :P
I hope SpoutCraft becomes like the Bukkit of client mods, so we can "plug in" mods without installing them separately.
I think I'm going to start developing another plugin soon. But that plugin will take forever to complete...tee hee.
So close to v0.7! Just one more feature left. Hopefully I'll have it half-finished by tonight. Then tomorrow I can spend time documenting.
Here is I posted are going to look:)! http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-rakamak-v3-0-0-a-plugin-authentication-password-for-each-player-818.20552/
Hey there Tahkeh. I've been having a problem with one of your mods. It is not compatible with "MyHome v1.9.5" by Spathizilla (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-myhome-v1-9-5-819.13313/). Anyways, I was just wondering if you could fix that? thanks alot.
PO'd. My birds chewed up my Objective-C programming book. I'm a perfectionist, so along w/ the coffee and juice stain it's just aggravating.
Looking at my old status updates. Man, it's been a while. Also funny how I said that v0.6 will have the GroupMessage.
Haha, thanks man. Homestuck is some pretty great stuff. Sorry that this is like a month afterwards, guess I didn't get notified of the post.
Tahkeh, i have a plugin request for you. Can you make a plugin that allows us to set specific commands and responses. For example, make some kind of settings files that i can make a command /info and make the response in the settings be "%nm has last logged in on %lldate. There are %size players of %max 20 on this server." Incorporate the colors too if possible.
When I'm busy and can't log on, I am afraid it'll be one of those days where I get countless bug reports. Today was not one of those days.
Whoa, I haven't updated my status in a while. LoginMessage is now on v0.5_1, and v0.6 will include a Permissions group-based login message.
Except it's 2:06 AM, so the animals will have to be controlled tomorrow... :D ...Er, I mean in 12 hours.
There needs to be a plugin utilizing the setTarget() method. No one has made one yet, so I guess I will. I'll call it..."AnimalControl". >:P
FINALLY fixed the duplicate broadcast message bug in LoginMessage. Updated to v0.3_1, also re-added support for %max! Have fun people. :D