Oh no! :( This is sad... Bukkit has brought me soo much, knowledge, experiences, contacts and much more. It's tragic to see it die...
Looks like an interesting way to do it! :D However I can't help noticing that org.bukkit.block.Block has getData() deprecated and therefore the...
Yes this seems a good way to fix ID issues, but doesn't help the fact that you still cannot specify the data values (the ':15' bit)
I know, but I mean in general for items. Not just wool.
Well since 1.7 saw the deprecation of the item Id system, making an option in a config to do XXX when using a user definable item has gotten a bit...
If you would like a plugin to do it: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ucars Else a full code example can be found at:...
Please learn how to use the bukkit javadoc (jd.bukkit.org), I think you will find it most helpful!
Guys. There is a VERY simple way! getServer().getConsoleCommandSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE+"Blue Text");
Is it always 45 degrees? Besides there has got to be a better way than this! (Even if it takes a PR to the bukkit api!)
Hello! Is it possible to stop a minecart turning its passenger (player in this case)? If so how can I do this? Thx for all the help!
Well. Went to create a ticket for the first time, needed an account. Went to leaky.bukkit.org and clicked sign up. Then......
Hello! I would am trying to create a ticket on leaky.bukkit.org but I cannot seem to work it out. I went on the site and tried logging in with...
Ok ill will make a pastebin explaining https://www.github.com/storm345/ac later! (As you requested in the email)
Separate names with a comma.