Turning mobs off isn't helping for me at all. Read this thread. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/high-cpu-usage.8295/page-3#post-136293 CPU...
I've turbed mobs off and my CPU lowered to 12% but as people joined the server it rose to 100% again. Also, when they left the server, the CPU did...
I have found this to be an issue for all builds after #493. My server has very little redstone circuitry and my world size is 191MB This must be a...
I hope that the Bukkit developers are aware of this as i have looked all over the forums and this is not an isolated problem. Bukkit dev team,...
Ok I reinstalled Java and JDK 7 Nothing changed
Windows This is my start.bat file @echo off "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx4096M -jar "craftbukkit.jar" nogui I know...
I can't get the essentials chat to work, so I've used ichat and sometimes it will work and sometimes i get errors. Anyone know how to work...
If i log into the server as an admin, the CPU jumps to about 80% After a few minutes it's at 100% and I have to quit. If I'm not connected, it...
I get the same. My CPU usage has jumped alot higher than it used to. Plus when i connect to my server, it's unplayable.
I'm getting the same issue as this. Even with no plugins, my CPU is hitting 80% with only 3 people online. I'm running a 4GB Quad core. Could you...
I get the same. I've tried changing all of the server.properties.
#Minecraft server properties #Wed Feb 23 09:57:31 GMT 2011 level-name=world hellworld=false spawn-monsters=false online-mode=true...
I have hellworld=false but it still loads it up. I think this is the reason I'm getting more CPU usage than before. How can i stop this?
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