how do i get a wav file into the url if i were to make one my self. Of course if there's a website for urls with .wav that'd be cool too
i get an error that basically says "forgery is not updated" then whenver someone crafts something i get spammed with errors on my cmd
yes, the 0.8.2. where do i put the BOBPlugins folder because i only put the jar and i did add the bukkit.yml file
18:08:25 [SEVERE] Could not pass event WORLD_INIT to PhoenixTerrainMod java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/server/NoiseGeneratorOctaves2...
hi this is a great mod that i have used before but now when i try to download it again, it doesn't work I get this error 21:02:03 [INFO]...
i don't understand how to add the link
When i try to claim land for a town it says i don't have enough money but i do have enough money, does this connect with iconomy?
still doesn't work :( i don't understand why this doesn't work i'm gonna wait until a tutorial is up
Here is what i did.. I got the run.bat file though notepad and downloaded the bukkit snapshot and then double clicked the run.bat file it...
Nope it still doesn't work but do you want me to make a video of what i did?
i think i did but let me try again
I think it might be because when i downloaded the craftbukkit snapshot thing, it didn't come with the plugins folder so i made the folder myself...
There's none at the permissions below the default i use spaces until i reach the colon
I'm kind of having trouble with permissions for this so can you help me please. It would really be nice. I think I'm doing something wrong with...
Separate names with a comma.