I search the exact same thing currently... Did you find a plugin for that or a side solution which would check the last login date and if older...
I like this idea, have a look to my proposal:...
Cool plugin, however, do you know a plugin which allows the same thing but for undefined areas?
I would be interested in this. Is there a way to create our own block pattern recognition (like Iron Golem or Snow Golem) ? That would be cool...
If I understand well, there is 4 kind of showcases: - basic (just to show item) - finite (to buy with $$$ from a stock) - exchange (to buy with...
Here it is: :p [SPOILER]
I love you. :p What for the 3) (I've edited the post but not submit before your post -_-) : 3) default price list in the config file with option...
I don't say it's not easy... I just would like 3 features by priority order: 1) option to totally disabling the infinite showcase (without using...
A request : Would it be possible to "dissociate" the chests with the sold items and the chest where money goes ? For example, a player could set a...
You're right but for example the glass block doesn't use its damagevalue, isn't it ? Is it still possible in the 1.6.6 to use a glass block for...
Minecraft keeps Datavalues for any block. That's the solution the creaturespawner plugin uses to store which kind of mob to spawn with a...
Do you think that would be possible to add a feature based on the datavalue (damage) of a specific block (half-step by default) to store all the...
Please, could you add the block/item ID at the right of the selected block/item and in the tooltip when the cursor rollhover buttons just for...
The signs work for me with redstone. Be sure that the redstone is directed toward the sign. ;)
Thanks for your answer however I would like that I can write something like "X" to indicate that I want any amount of ingredients to get the same...
Separate names with a comma.