I worked on some earlier versions of the source code. I'm guessing I'll have to get back into it. Hopefully Narrotux won't mind.
I was wondering if someone was working on this, or if I would have to rebuild his work from some old code.
Update page has an HTML error are the bottom. --- I don't know if this has been reported, but I'm not going to read through 104 pages to find out....
It still doesn't work for me. No errors, it just doesn't pick anything up. :( I'm on CB1000, of course it hasn't worked for me since 766.
I'm using CB733 and DC 0.7.3 Can we get a CFG setting to enable a verbose mode? Make it send console message on everything it does.
Has anyone else run into an issue, where the drop chests work for the first 10 or 15 minutes after the server comes up. Then it stops. No errors,...
I have it setup on my server for multi-world use only. BTW, I love this plugin.
BLOCK-BREAK error breaking a spawner block
Only now, he's out of date. :)
I might have fixed the chest breaking issue. I'm testing it to make sure. When someone exits the game inside a drop chest's pickup radius. It...
I found the correction for the "/dc which". File "DropChestBlockListener.java" , Line #52: Change to : chestid = dcic.getId(); Same file, Line...
Seriously guys? It's been almost 2 months and not a single person can answer my question?
How do I add an MOTD?
How does one set the Motd?
Separate names with a comma.