Why do carts disappear when they touch? Is there an option, or is this a bug?
Suggestion: disable item pickups (perhaps optionally in config file or toggleable with a command) when invisible. Hint: public void...
You type /spy or /quit to turn visible or invisible. That's the only way to toggle your visibility. If you have glowstone dust in your...
I have one request: add an upper limit in the config file for how high /ms can be. Someone here tried /ms 1000000000 and managed to crash the...
Whoa, you got some nice plugins. Amazing that you just started java too.
Why not just make the command yourselves? That would save you a lot of work. Someone made a plugin that does that now anyways, PermissionsPlus...
They are on 2.2. If there is 2.3 it's their next major release which is not finished yet. Their new thread is here...
Having gunpowder or glowstone dust in your hotbar doesn't make you invisible. If you have some there, it will switch between the 2 to show you if...
I'm using 740, the other server had 709. I have iChat, the other server had EssentialsChat. I'll try EssentialsChat now.. Well that didn't work....
I was on a CB709 server last night, and typing random commands didn't say "Unknown console command. Type "help" for help." There was just nothing....
works for commandbook with me at least. one thing that isnt simulated correctly is /who. it removes my name, but still says there is 2 people...
@MiHo I have a suggestion, could you make it so that only certain groups (permissions) receive certain broadcasts? I advertise VIP/donator on my...
@GeMoschen I dunno if this has been requested yet (I don't really /want/ to read through the last 5 pages of the thread) but an IC for lightning...
WorldGuard has mob control and multi-world support.
This is my new favorite teleport mod :D Hadn't checked back in awhile, but I'm glad you have permissions support now :)
Separate names with a comma.