Version 1.1.0: + Added server groups + Added multi-instances + Added versioning support More information can be found on the release page.
[IMG] Install | Source | Issues Tequila is a command-line Minecraft server manager written in python. It provides some basic functions to...
krix can I see your config file and your permissions settings ? Is there any other thing related to Thieves in your logs ?
krix look in your logs. If there is a PlayerMoveEvent not being passed to the plugin, then you'll have to wait a bit until the fix is out.
Lich_King_Reborn UnpluggedDK and to all who are experiencing issues with the PlayerMoveEvent not being passed, I'm currently recoding that part of...
mini_totent the log points that the thieve's data that is created/loaded when a player joins does not exists. The most probable issue was that you...
mini_totent superjack010 please do NOT reload the server while using the plugin ( there are plenty of good solutions to properly restart your...
InvaderX_9 then can I have a copy of your config, the names of the world you want it to work and your permission setting ? It could help me spot...
eek98azn well, inside the plugin's config.yml there's a "worlds" list. Let's say you have two worlds, named "firstWorld" and "secondWorld", and...
eek98azn check that you added the world where you want to be able to steal in your config. also, in your example, you only added the permission to...
eek98azn yes, that's the right way.
lloyd menzies The reload command is not supported atm, restart your server instead with a wrapper, it's much, much cleaner than that....
Well, I don't think users will appreciate to type in a command every time they want to steal someone... Time is an asset when you want to steal an...
lukeyboiz simply give them the thieves.protected permission.
Elements11997 Well, considering the fact that the plugin opens the target's inventory, I hardly see how I could integrate that ! Unless the money...
Separate names with a comma.