I've been having this issue with port forwarding. Yes, I know, you see these every single day. I've went through tutorials, and for some reason my...
I don't know if I have the time to do that yet, but I might later. Did you check a YouTube video?
I need more than 4 crates (which it limits it to) and it doesn't exactly fit what I had wanted. The version that fits what I want (sort of) costs...
Name: IRL Name is Anthony, IGN is ImSlicky. What it does: See this. When you want it: Any time you can :D
I'm not sure then. What error do you get from boosCooldowns? Maybe search a video on YouTube of how to use boosCooldowns in case you had done it...
Category: Economy Suggested Name: MysteryKeys What I want: I am looking for a plugin that will have chests that act as crates. You can get keys...
Try this: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/command-cooldown/
So, I just started up my server after being gone for a few months and I get this: [IMG] What you see at the beginning is me doing /realname...
mrCookieSlime please stop lol
Just saying, doesn't Essentials have this? In it's config.
So, I have this problem that involves donators. Basically, if someone donated to my server, they are ADDED to the group (not just set), and that...
Ah, thank you! On my screen the plugin config would only say a bit of the description before it went off the page ;l
If you make custom plugins that cost money, like the one they are copying, then how would you feel? My point is that they should come up with...
Yes, but isn't that just for giving players certain permissions?
Separate names with a comma.