I'm loving the pickup()item already! I made a rail that grabs eggs from 5 egg farms that spawn fast amounts of eggs, then drops them off at a...
I'mma test it out now! Woop:)
Yesss! I can't wait, that will open up so many industrial opportunities. Thanks for all your work on this, that will be fun stuff for sure. :)
That would be pretty helpful. It's possible now by taking a piece of track off, yeah. But with a named pair, it would be 300x times easier....
Oh snap, now that you said that, I did see that one time when we had a few of my buddies friends playing with us. Youre right... Another issue I...
This happens for me too. The player is not visually on my screen, as in it looks like I'm the only one in the train. Dynmap still shows them...
Have you got a chance to to a look at making detectors update on load? I'm almost certain that the detectors being saved as on/off is the cause...
Detector levers still don't get updated on chunk loading in 1.71.5. :'( But other than that, great release so far! Thanks Berger Gonna have to...
Cool, thanks. My first thought was that it was a problem with redstone, but then later found out it was just the levers.
That is what I'm thinking, because the regions that I never have problems with are closer together, the ones that get stuck on are slightly...
Yeah, it seemed to work for awhile with 1.71.5, but then started doing it again. The railway more often works going one way more than the other,...
I'm running the 1.71.5 test build posted above, and so far after riding all my rails to test them a bunch (my rail system has a ton of...
Using test version 3, and this was present in the other test versions as well, detector regions seem to set to true/on even when there are no...
Spawning trains with signs? That works fine on Test version 2, I have a decent sized system going on with tons of spawn signs. Using Test...
I'm running the 1.3.1 test version on my server and haven't noticed any big real bugs. The only thing I did notice, and I'm not sure if it's the...
Separate names with a comma.