Is the block material your sign is attached to different from the material of the ground you're building the circuit on?
He means Class.forName("the.main.package.subpackage.A");
Probably. Try a player.updateInventory() every minute or so.
Actually I just checked the server code and it seems like if the load attribute of your plugin is STARTUP your plugin is enabled before the world...
Actually I think your first intuition was right, the EnumArmorMarerial is only used to initialize an ItemArmor. Darkhand81 public class...
What color has the wool if you place it? ItemStack newItem = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL, buyAMT); Wool wool = new Wool(DyeColor.BROWN);...
ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL, amount).setData(new Wool(DyeColor.BROWN));
if(entity instanceof Minecart && !(entity instanceof PoweredMinecart || entity instanceof StorageMinecart))
There are certain things you can't do with the api, he wants to alter core minecart behavior. There's the VehicleCreateEvent, but that probably...
Did you try myFurnace.getInventory().clear(); block.setType(Material.BURNING_FURNACE); myFurnace = (Furnace)block.getState();...
There's a map where the entity clases are stored (in net.minecraft.server.EntityTypes) but the entities most likely already loaded when your...
HashMap<Player,Long> lastUseMap = new HashMap<Player,Long>(); //eventhandler long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(lastUseMap.get(player)...
Try to obtain a new BlockState after you update the block and set its inventory. You could simplify you code: if(event.getAction() ==...
Try: ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL, amount, (short)random.nextInt(16));
No it's not possible, the client calculates the direction of a portal block from the position of other portal blocks adjacent to it.
Separate names with a comma.