Mojang picked up Searge recently too... does that mean they also picked up MCP and perhaps Forge just as covertly, I wonder? (purely speculative,...
I second that... unfortunately it still doesn't work with Cauldron/MCPC+ either though :( It's a shame this isn't an open source project so it...
This is the only error being generated by CraftProxy client I launch MC client, load up and stop at the Multiplayer connect screen, then I...
I used the Forge installer. And I did enter the login info into CraftProxy I wonder if it's related to my account having been moved from a...
Yeah, the server shows 2014-04-25 06:05:13 [INFO] [CraftProxyPlugin] Enabling CraftProxyPlugin v0.1 2014-04-25 06:05:13 [INFO] [CraftProxyPlugin]...
I can't seem to get the server plugin working on MCPC+ or Forge (Haven't tried straight Bukkit). On MCPC+ I tried it both in the plugins folder...
Awesome, any chance of seeing a Forge version in the future for those of us that have moved on from Bukkit?
Since this project is effectively discontinued, does anyone know of a replacement chunk caching proxy? BungeeCord a nice replacement for the...
remote server = localhost:20000 local server = localhost:20000 meaning, the proxy isn't running because the port is already taken If the...
even on LAN play I find the caching helps, the client doesn't have to wait on chunks so you can use longer viewing distances with fewer issues
Edit: my bad, I misread... just running the server side without the client side won't improve performance because the server continues to do the...
It doesn't specifically aim to improve performance, but since the server has to send less chunks, it's doing less work, so it will perform better...
says the guy still clinging to DreamCast (I love mine too, but dang man ;) ) Besides, I'm happy this surfaced, I had never heard of...
Have you considered splitting the server load by running multiple instances on different ports and using CraftProxy and ServerPort to create...
can't tell which build this is though :\ and there's several nasty bugs in some of the 1.2.4 builds
Separate names with a comma.