Could someone post the working PlayerScoreboard? import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import...
So it would be: Score score = ob.getScore(Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers());
Bram0101 I've written out this plugin again numerous times trying to find the answer for him, could you post the line of code for your
Will try it now :) KingNyuels it worked! :D Thank you so much for your help.. Now to make the actual minigame XD Wanna join and help? :)...
Just trying it now, KingNyuels . No, the sign did not change in game so I couldn't right click it. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use...
Can someone tell my why the signs will not change in game? package me.ShadeSlaughter.DivineMinigames; import java.util.logging.Logger; import...
metalhedd I know thank you, but I want my server to have plugins titled Divine :P I am very picky, sorry :/
metalhedd Thanks I guess, can anyone here make a public plugin based on something I requested then? :)
@AndyMcB I want my server to be original and one of a kind, if everyone has access to my plugins they won't be :/
Oh, thank you Williscool98 where can I post private requests?
AndyMcB1 Why? :(
*Note All of these plugins will be only for my server. I will give you credit and Developer rank on my server*I have a new server,,...
Separate names with a comma.