Potions damage players regardless of them being on /pvp on or off, please fix this! I am using stupid96's fixed version, if you haven't used his...
I am having the exact same problem your having, I deleted my old_the end world and let it be replaced and still have the same problem.
Love the plugin, I huuuuugely suggest a command such as /npc namehide to hide an NPC's name if wished, and for it to keep the skin, or at least a...
Add the ability for other players to be able to right click an owned wolf and it will say whos wolf it is in chat to them. PLEASE.
So i'm guessing this plugin won't work for 1.0.0?
^That guy sucks
I enjoy this plugin more than VanishNoPacket, all I want is a simple plugin that moderators and admins can /poof and they will be invisible. This...
I am looking for this /poof plugin, I have searched A LOT and I can't find this plugin.
I've never actually used MySql on my server, but I'm getting this: [HawkEye] Starting HawkEye initiation process... 2011-10-03 14:25:48 [INFO]...
BB works just fine but there are a lot of bugs, the developer is done so stop posting your errors. If there are any good plugin makers PLEASE take...
Oh, I figured it out, I thought the Worldname was default and not literally the 'worlds name here', okay it's working now :D thanks! EDIT: I love...
Please update your great plugin!!!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER (jk but please)
PLEASE ADD SUPPORT FOR GROUPMANAGER! It works EXCELLENTLY with warps but I really need to get a manuadd sign and it wont work for me since I have...
Oh wow i'm so sorry, i'm an idiot, I was on an older version of craftbukkit (The unstable 1.8 release) I updated to 1185 and it's working! For the...
So...I just dont understand how to work this plugin, ive seen many different things, I tried typing [signrank] on a sign, didnt do anything. I...
Separate names with a comma.