except bukkit isn't going anywhere yet.
Impossible without a client side mod
You could just use iConomy's itemdb and set the major item to be emeralds :P
Was bored today, so I decided to mess with it some more. Here is the latest render [IMG] I feel that this version is much better than the one I...
Get a plugin that changes the display name. This plugin doesn't just change the players name, it makes the server think you're a completely...
[WEB/ADMIN] TheCCPanel Announcement Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Chiller, Mar 31, 2012.
>implying that you know lots about how reproduction works
Great, that's really confused me :oops: Last time I checked, the error was with the code on the github :eek: ok, its something to do with the...
Well if its not the plugin.yml or the MeCommand, WHAT IS IT :'(
Separate names with a comma.