thank you, im pretty new to making Bukkit plugins so i don't know how all of the listeners and everything work quite yet.
i mean dissallow a user from doing anything in minecraft that uses the right and left clicks. It's meant to be used as a punishment.
Hello i am a new plugin developer and i am working on my first plugin and i ran into a wall, so i was wondering if it is possible to disable the...
He means how can you do it so you can open different chests using a sign. like on killions server where you can open like 8 or some different...
although it is possible to do(only for the glass looking one none of the special colored ones), and i could even have it done by the end of the...
oh really its useless? because its pretty useful for me.
did you by any chance miss this "This is my first plugin". just incase This is my first plugin This is my first plugin This is my first plugin...
nah i just couldnt find what i was looking for
well what would you give giving back tnt is pointless because it cant be used
already did nothing i was looking for
are there any good resources that tell all of the different things bukkit can do such as playerevent stuff.
so your saying you wouldnt like 2 plugins in 1?
you should make it activate when eating food like if(player eats the efin cake){ player gets drunk } lol BEER CAKE
i could see it being possible if using spout but nothing to my knowledge exists for servers yet just clients.
I made a plugin called CakeDrops and i have an issue. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to store the damage value of the cake. Say...
Separate names with a comma.