Please check and...
Please post a detailed ticket, otherwise I can't help you.
Thanks for the flowers :-) Yeah, MV had some trouble keeping up with the latest changes. There were quite a number of MC core updates that plugin...
Ok, I have changed the priority of the spawning event in the next version. Did you change the setting "disallowCreatureSpawns" to false and have...
Interesting problem - there should not be any conflict... I will look into it!
Ah, well, that is right. You can post an enhancement ticket on devbukkit. Maybe I can implement something like this some day, but I won't promise...
Right now, SimpleSpleef does not support redstone. You could use redstone command signs for this, though:...
I won't support 1.2 until it is RB.
R5 was just released. Thanks for the work, Bukkit staff!
Floor restoration is making me crazy in SimpleSpleef. I have already posted a bug report to the staff...
No, it is not possible. The method I use it to implement a "event catcher" class that delegates events to other classes as needed. This makes it...
You can turn on/off pvp during the game in the config. RTFM ;-)
Creative mode restorationhappens on /spl back. Timeout is fixed in 3.0.6. The freeze could be from people loggin out. Try to set the lose on...
Please post a ticket on the Bukkit dev page with more specific information on what your problem is exactly.
Try to delete your SimpleSpleef language files and restart the server. Might help.
Separate names with a comma.