from bukkitdev it comes with Permissionsex, but I believe it works with any permissions system. I think you can download it from the wiki, and if not, go to and just take the modifyworld.jar out of the downloaded .zip
Like they can take damage from a zombie hitting them, but not a pig zombie by using - modifyworld.* - -modifworld.damage.take.pigzombie You have ultimate control with modify world.
Oh, for that last thing, use Modify world. Just give the permission: modifyworld.* to whoever you want to be able to do things. and anyone without that cannot do ANYTHING except move around. can't tame, or damage mobs. Also can't have mobs follow them or take damage unless you give them that permission. You can also, if you want to get technical, add permissions for whatever you want them to be able to do
Link is Hope That helps! I use it on my server!
A gentleman and a scholar. do you have any suggestions to give/take the permission to place/destroy blocks to certain players?
Solved and subsequently griefed. Everyday, I hate everybody a little more. I just read this, and I have a suggestion for you. If you get Core Protect plugin for the server, you can log all block places/destroys, Undo all of any users's actions, and tell who placed/destroyed blocks.