Ok i fixed it using Theodossis and Wundark! Ty everyone. Here is my spawn statement: Location spawn = player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation();...
For some reason when i use /spawn nothing happens on client and server side. Here is my class: http://pastie.org/3903402
world guard now has a built in /region claim so you don't have to worry! Just copy all your region plots from this plugin's folder to worldguard's...
Could you give me a copy of your config file in permissionsbukkit? im trying to do the same thing
Well in game i keep saying something about '*' node not allowed in superperms. Rawr! and there are 0 *'s in my users/groups as shown below so what...
I have a PvP world in which I want nobody to see who or where each other are. Can I use this with multiverse and completely hide player names only...
I recently added this plugin to my server and I know how to use world guard/edit good enough to claim regions but I don't know how to make Zone1...
Separate names with a comma.