UltraLogger would be a good place to start, you checkout the download here In the config you can change how often it begins a log. I'm not sure if...
just use PEX (PermissionsEX) You can edit permissions in game by doing /pex group GROUPNAME add PERMISSION Just replace GROUPNAME with the group,...
get the permissions plugin PermissionsEX
sure what is the ip?
Go see this video mate :) [media]
obgenblocker, fastfood & remotetoolkitplugin are all giving out errors, try updating them or removing them
sorry, didnt want to bump but wanted to remove the replies
Do you run your server with hamachi? Do you wish youhad more than 8 player slots in hamachi? Then message below! If you are accepted then you can...
PLEASE GO TO THE NEW THREAD: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/hamachi-offering.82873/
Ok so what i want is very siple andi'm pretty sure it exists. Is there a plugin that if a user is not whitelisted, when they try to connect you...
I know there is a plugin that does this, how can i stop people from automatically being able to reconnact to my server? EG: when someone...
if it is in your recycle bin and it is saying it in use, hold command key while right-clicking the recycle bin and click secure empty trash
Try following this tutorial word for word, it worked for me ;) [media]
There is a way to do this but you will need a mixture of plugins, talk to me on skype mate
Separate names with a comma.