Latest RBs or latest dev builds of Spout and SpoutCraft?
Are you sure your arena region covers the sand? If so, please post what plugins you have installed.
It was worth a shot. Well then, I'll remove the link from my post, seeing as it contains a file called minecraft.jar that isn't supposed to be...
Try this: [LINK REMOVED] Find your .spoutcraft folder and unzip it there. (It's in the same place as .minecraft.)
You can find all the boss abilities here: "". Just scroll down and look for "Boss...
Definitely needs work. Just walking around in the arena spams your chat with messages saying you have entered/left "mobarena", and the Oddjob has...
I made some changes to the plugin that fix this bug in clear-wave-before-next mode, if you want my custom version, here it is: (Link removed at...
I know that, that's what I've been doing. I was just posting a bug report, hoping garbagemule would see it. EDIT: I've submitted a BukkitDev...
The plugin is giving players rewards a wave early. If I set a reward in the "after" section, I get it just before that wave spawns. If I set a...
Separate names with a comma.