Hi, So first of all; Code being shown isn't needed imo as it's just a simple statement. I'm making a mount plugin for mobs, I was hoping bats...
So I should do every command in my plugin with the PlayerCommandPreProcessEvent? dsouzamatt
Hi guys, So I'm gonna be creating a fairly big plugin and I was just wondering: If somebody already have a plugin installed that handled /mute...
Thanks for the useful information.
Thanks, as I said in the original OP source code'd be good, so, just for educational purposes I looked on JD GUI and, I thought "private...
I have signatures off, again, sorry.
I probably shouldn't have, Someone told me on skype that you made plugins for people when they asked,, my bad. Anyway, Thanks for offering to...
But they have too many un-needed features, I literally just want duplicate messages.
Hi, I've looked and looked: but, I can't find a plugin to block duplicate messages and send the player a message if they do a duplicate message....
I'm experienced in java actually sir, What I didn't understand is how the commands worked. It's solved now anyway, I just re-did it all.
Oh, my bad. Could you? fireblast709 I'm unsure, Kinda.
I used what you sent :) Oh.. fireblast709 EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Wait,, fireblast709 it's the same results as before.. yup, definitely wont work. timtower do you know? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts,...
Separate names with a comma.