Commands: /xpmultiplier <multiplier> /xpmultiplier reload Permissions: xpmultiplier.change xpmultiplier.use You also can edit...
I already reworked it :) My Previous reply is modified version for few assassins.
Well, for this it was necessary to almost completely rework the plugin. Also fixed bug if player has full inventory they don't get head (now it...
Well these "bugs" are not really critical. First is just wrong check(works just fine even with wrong check) and second one is not using Bukkit's...
I think it works fine (But if any bugs dm me) Config: config: onlyWhitelisted: true minutesToExpire: 120 messages: assassin: "&aYou are...
All You need You can find at config.yml Permissions: replacer.<replace>
Commands: /hc <command> <hp cost> Permissions: healthcommand.admin healthcommand.bypass Also if You want to delete command just open...
There's config.yml so you can choose the amount of durability per use
It works just fine for me. There's no line of code that cancel or block taking items from anvil. Maybe you just don't have xp level? (it requires...
Tell me if there's some bugs or you need features
Made an improved version. Now you can make chunk for any material. Fully configurable (config.yml).
Hope I understood you correctly.
Here you go. There's config.yml so you can edit name and glowing for each chunk.
Commands: /ct clear /ct enable /ct disable Permissions: chattools.bypass chattools.clear chattools.enable chattools.disable
Thank you
Separate names with a comma.